"In Purity is Our Salvation".
This repentance has made the greatest impact on me as it promises that purity is our salvation. The promise of salvation is one that many will chase after, therefore attempting to create a pure way of living. This is taken quite literally in David’s society as all malformed organisms are destroyed. Sophie, David’s newfound friend, is an impurity called a blasphemy. This is because she has six toes. She is kept hidden from the town in the fringes as if she was found, terrible things would happen. We see this in the book when David talks of what happens to offences, slaughtered or burned while hymns are sung.

If this was in place in my life, I would probably come to believe it. It was simple enough for adults to convince me that Santa Claus was real even though they didn’t believe in him, imagine how much more I would have believed in him if they shared that belief. When children are indoctrinated with a belief, especially when that belief is common throughout their region, they grow to accept it and even support it.

I think that as David and Sophie grow older and become closer, they will not be as careful of keeping their friendship a secret. Because of this, I believe that Sophie will be found out and people will attempt to destroy her, singing hymns all the while (La La La In Purity Is Our Salvation – Now where the heck is my axe?) Then, Sophie, David and possibly Sophie’s family will run away to the “ungodly” East.